Recording of some of the stories - discussions between stories not recorded
Moderator: Mary Lynn Manns, co-author of Fearless Change & More Fearless Change
We will begin at 10:00 on the dot with a Welcome & Opening
Linda Rising. Fear Less Listening
When the COVID vaccine arrived, I had several neighbors who were resistant to getting it. I’m always surprised when I use the Fearless Change patterns unconsciously and see that they work :-)!
Linda is the co-author of Fearless Change & More Fearless Change. She is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker, writer with a focus on agile development, patterns, retrospectives, the change process, and the connection between the latest neuroscience and software development.
Jutta Eckstein. Don’t fear big changes
The planet is on fire. I’m focusing on how Agile can be leveraged to increase sustainability and I learned that Baby Steps, Small Successes, and Accentuate the Positive are just one of the many patterns that support this journey.
Jutta is the author of Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy (BOSSA nova), Retrospectives for Organizational Change, Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams, Agile Software Development in the Large, et al.
David Carr. Flying in a V Formation!
This is a story of the last conversation I had with my business partner on St. Patrick's Day back in March 1988. He died that night. For me, the "V Formation" is a reminder and symbol of fearless change!
Dave has an impressive variety of experience from Fortune 500 companies that include Proctor & Gamble & Hallmark, U.S. government agencies including the EPA and IRS, and education institutions too. He's a master facilitator in leadership and emotional intelligence training.
Following the Campfire, Dave wrote a blog post of his V Formation story.
Aino Vonge Corry. Champion Skeptics in Academia and Industry
I am forever impressed with the power of the Champion Skeptic pattern. I have had a chance to apply it numerous times over the years, and have found that meeting negativity with curiosity and positivity works like a charm!
Over a decade ago, Aino started her own company, metadeveloper, which develops developers by teaching CS, teaching how to teach CS, inviting speakers to IT conferences, and facilitating software development in various ways. She has facilitated retrospectives and other meetings for the past 15 years during which time she has made all the mistakes possible in that field.
Alan O’Callaghan. Stories and Patterns
The human brain uses patterns to make sense of the world and create stories that lead to actions. Creating pattern-driven narratives are a key way to transforming the world of work…or just transforming the world.
Alan is an author, speaker, Agile coach and Certified Scrum Trainer and one of our favorite storytellers - he created a blog post of his 2021 Campfire story.
Indu Alagarsamy. Some changes require a big jolt
You can be the best evangelist. However, despite all of the rational decision making we are proud of, at the end of the day we are still emotional beings. Sometimes to bring effective changes, you need to understand human behavior.
Indu is a Principal Engineer at the NYTimes.
Ward Cunningham. The Shape of our Schema Guides the Stories we Tell
We use schema based prompts to discover things that matter and their relationships. Thus schema designers wield some power over the conversation and can benefit from advice as to the shape of a useful schema.
Ward is a long-time change agent with a huge list of accomplishments, most well known for his contributions to object-oriented design, agile methodology, and collaborative software. He is the inventor of wiki, the original social software and now generalized to refer to any democratized creation.
Lisa Crispin. a Do Food experiment
Whenever I got back from a conference with new ideas and hoped to help our team, my teammates would just roll their eyes. So I used the Do Food pattern, and it really does work!
Lisa is a testing consultant and trainer, co-author of three books on agile testing with Janet Gregory, co-founder of Agile Testing Fellowship offering live courses we developed around the globe, and a donkey fan.
Russ Rutledge. Just Do It: Why wait for permission to do great things?
As a software engineer at Nike, I started a successful community software development effort. This story will summarize how the effort grew into a system that garnered over 1,000 monthly participants and continues forward even after my departure over a year ago.
Russ is the Senior Director of InnerSource and Collaboration at WellSky, a technology company leading the movement for intelligent, coordinated healthcare worldwide.
Kyle Brown. How an IT team lost its way
The IBM CIO office went through a high profile Agile transformation that met its tactical goals - but missed the big strategic picture.
Kyle is an IBM Fellow and Vice President, CTO to the CIO and a author or co-author of eight books on Patterns, Cloud and IBM Technology.
Kevlin Henney. Involving Everyone: What Happened Before, During and After
A few years ago I was contacted to run a workshop to help a team adopt a more agile approach to development. Initially, the company considered only the developers to be relevant. And they wanted to compress a three-day workshop into two long days. On a weekend.
Kevlin is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and writer, with a focus on programming, architecture and development practices and culture.
Alistair Cockburn. Swimmer Turning a Supertanker
The final story from a "skeptic on large scale organizational change" will spark a discussion on where we can make an impact (and where we can't).
Alistair is a world-renowned methodologist most known for co-authoring the Agile Manifesto, his Writing Effective Use Cases book, and for his Hexagonal Architecture Pattern.
Wrap-Up & Closing
Please hang around for the wrap-up! We will discuss some of the hottest questions that were raised during the Campfire.
Stretch Time! To Dream the Impossible Dream
We invite everyone to stay for a 5-minute stretch to a song about change. This will be led by Mary Lynn.
Even if moving to music is something you don't usually do, how about being a little fearless? :-)
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